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Organically grown.Basque Chilli grown in 2021. The Basque chilli pepper is more aromatic and sweet than hot. Basque chilli peppers are tied with string the strings of peppers are hung in the kitchens to dry. Once dried they are ground to a powder which is very much prized around the world in the home and in many restaurant kitchens. Basque chilli can have a fruity tomato flavour or a dry hay scent, but what makes it special is the aromatic aspect of it, rather than its intensity. Depending on the Summer the Basque chilli pepper plant grows between 60cm and 1.5m high producing between 15 to 30 fruit per plant.Sow the seeds early Feb – mid March in a propagator or warm spot spaced out on a seed tray or pot. Pot on when the first true leaves come through individually into 7cm pots and grow on in warm light conditions, potting on as necessary. Harden off in early May before planting out outside or grow on in a greenhouse in a pot min 20cm.If you have grown these in isolation, then please return some seeds to the seed library. When the pepper is fully ripe collect and dry the seeds.

Basque Chilli - Capsicum Annuum



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